Sunday, February 12, 2017

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Greetings to our Conklin friends, 

What a great theme "Teamwork Makes The Dream Work"  What dreams do you have? 

Mir and I were just discussing you'all and we just hope and pray that Conklin will bless your lives like it has ours. Whether the products help you reach higher and farther then you ever imagined, or maybe its with your roofing business,maybe its the people you meet, and maybe it's all of the above. 

We want your experience with Conklin to be the very best we can. We want you to know this journey is even bigger then us, it's about bringing honor and glory to God and him blessing our lives through Conklin. We can only do so much, but God can do so much more. We certainly want to be on his team. 

We believe the best things in life, the biggest, deepest, dreams are lived out with a team of people. We feel so privileged to be surrounded with such an awesome group of people. 

Here are some books that have left an impact in our lives:

Personality plus by Florence Littauer                     Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz             Letters to Lindsey by Terri Brady 

Visioneering by Andy Stanley                               The Business of the 21st Center                                                                                               by Robert Kiyosaki 

                   There’s something inside you.
           A radiant light. A unique gift and calling.
                        A profound purpose.


& let your light shine

Conklin Company Mission Statement

The mission of Conklin® Company is to build a company committed to growth 
and helping people see who they are and the difference they can make.

Personal development and growth can only be realized through 
our commitment to quality products and excellence in service.

Together, as a team of individuals, we pledge to have a positive impact 
on the future of America while building a business to the Glory of God.

Keep Dreaming
Andrew N Miriam